With over 4 decades of ground testing experience, backed with degrees, chartership, and UKAS accreditation, at Ground Testing Ltd, you can be sure we get it right first time

In-situ Testing Services

Plate Bearing (or Plate Load) Testing

A method used to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil or sub-grade materials.  Testing is carried out in accordance with BS1377 Part 9: 1990 to determine settlement and the calculation of Modulus of Sub-grade Reaction.  Testing is performed by loading steel plates of known diameters and recording settlement against each load increment.

Plate CBR Testing

Plate CBR testing is used to determine approximate equivalent CBR values.   It does this by calculating the pressure used to make the plate settle by 1.25mm.  CBR values should only be determined from testing deliberately run for this purpose, which should include stages at low imposed loads.  CBR cannot be determined from any test where the first stage causes settlement of more than 1.25mm.

In-situ CBR Testing

A penetration test for the evaluation of the mechanical strength of road sub-grades. Testing is carried out on site most often using vehicle mounted CBR equipment. A load is applied to a standard plunger which penetrates a soil sample in order to determine the resistance to deformation under load. As the load is increased, regular readings are taken of load applied against penetration of the plunger. The results give the CBR value for the soil and allow the road pavement to be designed.

Soakaway Testing

A method used establish infiltration rates in varying geology. Soakaways have been the traditional way to dispose of storm water from buildings and paved areas remote from a public sewer or watercourse. In recent years, soakaways have been used within urban, fully-sewered areas to limit the impact on discharge of new upstream building works and to avoid costs of sewer upgrading outside a development. Soakaways are seen increasingly as a more widely applicable option alongside other means of storm water control and disposal.

Drainage is a critical issue, whether you are building property or maintaining a golf course.  Infiltration testing (permeability) is an important part of assessing the drainage capabilities of any given ground material.  The preferred method for soakaway testing is to excavating a trial pit of sufficient size to represent a section of the design soakaway.  The pit is then filled several times in quick succession whilst monitoring the rate of seepage.

Geotechnical and Contamination Testing

WAC ‘Muckaway’ Testing

It is a legal requirement that all waste is classified prior to disposal. We can sample, test, analyse and ultimately classify your construction waste whether it be hardcore, tarmac, or soils & stones.

Topsoil Testing

Validating topsoil is a common requirement on any housing development. We can sample, test and classify topsoil to ensure it meets BS:3882, or any other site specific requirements.

Grading and geotechnical testing

IWhether its a virgin, or recycled aggregate, we can attend site, sample, test, and classify your material to whatever specification you require.